7400 series TTL IC's: 744000...744999

High speed CMOS copies of popular 4000-series IC's.


Dual 4-input NOR gates.
    +---+--+---+             +---+---+---+---*---+       _________
/1Y |1  +--+ 14| VCC         | A | B | C | D |/Y |  /Y = (A+B+C+D)
 1A |2       13| /2Y         +===+===+===+===*===+
 1B |3       12| 2D          | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
 1C |4  4002 11| 2C          | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
 1D |5       10| 2B          | 0 | 0 | 1 | X | 0 |
    |6        9| 2A          | 0 | 1 | X | X | 0 |
GND |7        8|             | 1 | X | X | X | 0 |
    +----------+             +---+---+---+---*---+


Dual 4-bit serial-in parallel-out shift register with asynchronous reset.
2CLK |1  +--+ 16| VCC
 2Q3 |2       15| 2D
 1Q2 |3       14| 2RST
 1Q1 |4       13| 2Q0
 1Q0 |5  4015 12| 2Q1
1RST |6       11| 2Q2
  1D |7       10| 1Q3
 GND |8        9| 1CLK


Quad analog switches.
  1X |1  +--+ 14| VCC
  1Y |2       13| 1EN
  2Y |3       12| 4EN
  2X |4  4016 11| 4X
 2EN |5  4066 10| 4Y
 3EN |6        9| 3Y
 GND |7        8| 3X


4-bit asynchronous decade counter with fully decoded outputs, reset and both active high and active low clocks.
 Q5 |1  +--+ 16| VCC
 Q1 |2       15| RST
 Q0 |3       14| CLK1
 Q2 |4       13| /CLK2
 Q6 |5  4017 12| RCO
 Q7 |6       11| Q9
 Q3 |7       10| Q4
GND |8        9| Q8


14-bit asynchronous binary counter with reset.
Q1 and Q2 outputs missing.
Q11 |1  +--+ 16| VCC
Q12 |2       15| Q10
Q13 |3       14| Q9
 Q5 |4       13| Q7
 Q4 |5  4020 12| Q8
 Q6 |6       11| RST
 Q3 |7       10| /CLK
GND |8        9| Q0


7-bit asynchronous binary counter with reset.
/CLK |1  +--+ 14| VCC
 RST |2       13|
  Q6 |3       12| Q0
  Q5 |4  4024 11| Q1
  Q4 |5       10|
  Q3 |6        9| Q2
 GND |7        8|


12-bit asynchronous binary counter with reset.
Q11 |1  +--+ 16| VCC
 Q5 |2       15| Q10
 Q4 |3       14| Q9
 Q6 |4       13| Q7
 Q3 |5  4040 12| Q8
 Q2 |6       11| RST
 Q1 |7       10| /CLK
GND |8        9| Q0


Phase Locked Loop.
PCPout |1  +--+ 16| VCC
PC1out |2       15| Zener
 PCinB |3       14| PCinA
VCOout |4       13| PC2out
   /EN |5  4046 12| R2
   C1A |6       11| R1
   C1B |7       10| SFout
   GND |8        9| VCOin


Hex inverters with high-to-low level shifter inputs.
    +---+--+---+             +---*---+               _
VCC |1  +--+ 16|             | A |/Y |          /Y = A
/Y1 |2       15| /Y6         +===*===+
 A1 |3       14| A6          | 0 | 1 |
/Y2 |4       13|             | 1 | 0 |
 A2 |5  4049 12| /Y5         +---*---+
/Y3 |6       11| A5
 A3 |7       10| /Y4
GND |8        9| A4


Hex buffers with high-to-low level shifter inputs.
    +---+--+---+             +---*---+
VCC |1  +--+ 16|             | A | Y |           Y = A
 Y1 |2       15| Y6          +===*===+
 A1 |3       14| A6          | 0 | 0 |
 Y2 |4       13|             | 1 | 1 |
 A2 |5  4050 12| Y5          +---*---+
 Y3 |6       11| A5
 A3 |7       10| Y4
GND |8        9| A4


8-to-1 line analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with dual power supply.
VEE supply may not be more positive than GND.
 X4 |1  +--+ 16| VCC
 X6 |2       15| X2
  Y |3       14| X1
 X7 |4       13| X0
 X5 |5  4051 12| X3
/EN |6       11| S0
VEE |7       10| S1
GND |8        9| S2


8-to-2 line analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with dual power supply.
VEE supply may not be more positive than GND.
1X0 |1  +--+ 16| VCC
1X2 |2       15| 2X2
 1Y |3       14| 2X1
1X3 |4       13| 2Y
1X1 |5  4052 12| 2X0
/EN |6       11| 2X3
VEE |7       10| S0
GND |8        9| S1


Triple 2-to-1 line analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with dual power supply.
VEE supply may not be more positive than GND.
1X0 |1  +--+ 16| VCC
1X1 |2       15| 1Y
2X1 |3       14| 3Y
 2Y |4       13| 3X1
2X0 |5  4053 12| 3X0
/EN |6       11| 3S
VEE |7       10| 1S
GND |8        9| 2S


14-bit asynchronous binary counter with oscillator and reset input.
Q0,Q1,Q2 and Q10 outputs are missing.
Q11 |1  +--+ 16| VCC
Q12 |2       15| Q9
Q13 |3       14| Q7
 Q5 |4       13| Q8
 Q4 |5  4060 12| RST
 Q6 |6       11| X1
 Q3 |7       10| X0
GND |8        9| X2


Quad analog switches.
  1X |1  +--+ 14| VCC
  1Y |2       13| 1EN
  2Y |3       12| 4EN
  2X |4  4016 11| 4X
 2EN |5  4066 10| 4Y
 3EN |6        9| 3Y
 GND |7        8| 3X


16-to-1 line analog multiplexer/demultiplexer.
  Y |1    +--+   24| VCC
 X7 |2           23| X8
 X6 |3           22| X9
 X5 |4           21| X10
 X4 |5           20| X11
 X3 |6           19| X12
 X2 |7    4067   18| X13
 X1 |8           17| X14
 X0 |9           16| X15
 S0 |10          15| /EN
 S1 |11          14| S2
GND |12          13| S3


Triple 3-input OR gates.
    +---+--+---+             +---+---+---*---+
 1A |1  +--+ 14| VCC         | A | B | C | Y |   Y = A+B+C
 1B |2       13| 3A          +===+===+===*===+
 2A |3       12| 3B          | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
 2B |4  4075 11| 3C          | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
 2C |5       10| 3Y          | 0 | 1 | X | 1 |
 2Y |6        9| 1Y          | 1 | X | X | 1 |
GND |7        8| 1C          +---+---+---*---+


8-input OR/NOR gate with complementary outputs.
  Y |1  +--+ 14| VCC         Y=A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H
  A |2       13| /Y
  B |3       12| H
  C |4  4078 11| G
  D |5       10| F
    |6        9| E
GND |7        8|


Quad analog switches with enable input and dual power supply.
VEE supply may not be more positive than GND.
 1X |1  +--+ 16| VCC
 1Y |2       15| 1EN
 2Y |3       14| 4EN
 2X |4       13| 4X
2EN |5  4316 12| 4Y
3EN |6       11| 3Y
 EN |7       10| 3X
GND |8        9| VEE


8-to-1 line analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with address latch and dual power supply.
VEE supply may not be more positive than GND.
1X0 |1  +--+ 18| VCC
1X1 |2       17| X2
2X1 |3       16| X1
 2Y |4       15| X0
2X0 |5  4351 14| X3
/EN |6       13| S0
 EN |7       12| S1
VEE |8       11| S2
GND |9       10| LE


8-to-2 line analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with address latch and dual power supply.
VEE supply may not be more positive than GND.
1X0 |1  +--+ 18| VCC
1X2 |2       17| 2X2
 1Y |3       16| 2X1
1X3 |4       15| 2Y
1X1 |5  4352 14| 2X0
/EN |6       13| 2X3
 EN |7       12| S0
VEE |8       11| S1
GND |9       10| LE


Triple 2-to-1 line analog multiplexer/demultiplexer with address latch and dual power supply.
VEE supply may not be more positive than GND.
1X0 |1  +--+ 18| VCC
1X1 |2       17| 1Y
2X1 |3       16| 3Y
 2Y |4       15| 3X1
2X0 |5  4353 14| 3X0
/EN |6       13| 3S
 EN |7       12| 1S
VEE |8       11| 2S
GND |9       10| LE


BCD to 7-segment decoder/common-cathode LED driver.
 A1 |1  +--+ 16| VCC
 A2 |2       15| YF
/LT |3       14| YG
/BI |4       13| YA
/LE |5  4511 12| YB
 A3 |6       11| YC
 A0 |7       10| YD
GND |8        9| YE


1-of-16 noninverting decoder/demultiplexer with address latches.
 LE |1  +--+ 24| VCC
 S0 |2       23| /EN
 S1 |3       22| S3
 Y7 |4       21| S2
 Y6 |5       20| Y10
 Y5 |6       19| Y11
 Y4 |7  4514 18| Y8
 Y3 |8       17| Y9
 Y2 |9       16| Y15
 Y1 |10      15| Y14
 Y0 |11      14| Y13
GND |12      13| Y12


1-of-16 inverting decoder/demultiplexer with address latches.
 LE |1  +--+ 24| VCC
 S0 |2       23| /EN
 S1 |3       22| S3
/Y7 |4       21| S2
/Y6 |5       20| /Y10
/Y5 |6       19| /Y11
/Y4 |7  4515 18| /Y8
/Y3 |8       17| /Y9
/Y1 |9       16| /Y15
/Y2 |10      15| /Y14
/Y0 |11      14| /Y12
GND |12      13| /Y13


Dual 4-bit asynchronous decade counters with reset and both active high and active low clocks.
 1CLK |1  +--+ 16| VCC
/1CLK |2       15| 2RST
  1Q0 |3       14| 2Q3
  1Q1 |4       13| 2Q2
  1Q2 |5  4518 12| 2Q1
  1Q3 |6       11| 2Q0
 1RST |7       10| /2CLK
  GND |8        9| 2CLK


Dual 4-bit asynchronous binary counters with reset and both active high and active low clocks.
 1CLK |1  +--+ 16| VCC
/1CLK |2       15| 2RST
  1Q0 |3       14| 2Q3
  1Q1 |4       13| 2Q2
  1Q2 |5  4520 12| 2Q1
  1Q3 |6       11| 2Q0
 1RST |7       10| /2CLK
  GND |8        9| 2CLK


Dual precision monostable multivibrator with Schmitt-trigger inputs.
Retriggerable, resettable. For 74HC4538 the Cext pins may be grounded.
 1Cext |1  +--+ 16| VCC
1RCext |2       15| 2Cext
  1RST |3       14| 2RCext
   1TR |4       13| 2RST
  /1TR |5  4538 12| 2TR
    1Q |6       11| /2TR
   /1Q |7       10| 2Q
   GND |8        9| /2Q


BCD to 7-segment decoder/LCD driver with input latch.
The P (phase) input should be connected to the backplane of the LCD.
 LE |1  +--+ 16| VCC
 A2 |2       15| YF
 A1 |3       14| YG
 A3 |4       13| YE
 A0 |5  4543 12| YD
  P |6       11| YC
 BI |7       10| YB
GND |8        9| YA


8-bit (2-digit) synchronous decade down counter with synchronous and asynchronous load and reset. Counter outputs only internally connected but ripple carry and zero detect outputs available.
   CLK |1  +--+ 16| VCC
  /RST |2       15| /SLD
/CLKEN |3       14| /RCO
    P0 |4       13| P7
    P1 |5 40102 12| P6
    P2 |6       11| P5
    P3 |7       10| P4
   GND |8        9| /ALD


8-bit synchronous binary down counter with synchronous and asynchronous load and reset. Counter outputs only internally connected but ripple carry and zero detect outputs available.
   CLK |1  +--+ 16| VCC
  /RST |2       15| /SLD
/CLKEN |3       14| /RCO
    P0 |4       13| P7
    P1 |5 40103 12| P6
    P2 |6       11| P5
    P3 |7       10| P4
   GND |8        9| /ALD

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